A book of high-quality, written in French.
Paperback book: 380 pages, Euros 12
E-book at: Euros 3.99
Articles published on Criminal couple
In a couple, if the man or the woman sinks into murderous or sadistic delirium, one can hope that the other will oppose it and divert him/her from his/her criminal impulses. Nothing of the sort in the Brady/Hindley couple. None of their crimes would have been possible without the complicity of the other, the participation of the other. Worse, they compete in horror and do not hesitate to torture their young victims.
To try to understand their behavior, the author goes back to their early childhood and tells us their life course. This course is not simple, full of trials and torments. But nothing that explains and even less that justifies their terrible plunge into the worst atrocities.
The author, through a judicious description of the two lives in parallel, provides us with the keys to decipher the couple. Ian Brady is intelligent. He is attracted to supremacist and racist theories. He belongs to the superior species, the one that has the right of life and die over "inferior" beings. Moreover, he wants to leave a trace in history, to be recognized as the greatest criminal of Great Britain would suit him well… In front of him, Myra Hindley, immature and full of remorse, is an easy prey.
Indeed, at the beginning of their meeting, Ian easily manipulates Myra. But quickly, their relationship becomes much more perverse...
Beyond the murderous couple, the talent of Viviane Janouin-Benanti in this novel is to deliver to us, with force of truth, the afflictions of parents who wait in vain for their child. The victims' side is not forgotten.
CDL 44, July 2021.
A book of high-quality, written in French.
Paperback book: 380 pages, Euros 12
E-book at: Euros 3.99