Serge Janouin-Benanti
The Evil Bailiff

13 Crimes in Aquitaine
Thirteen incredible true crime stories sourced from the archives of the Aquitaine region of France in which you’ll encounter tales of:
- The fabulous treasure accumulated by the swindler Adèle Barreau
- A triple murder at Talence by Ollé, the treasurer of Saint-Augustin
- The evil bailiff Jean Fayolle, who filled fake prescriptions in all the pharmacies of Bordeaux in order to kill his wife
- In Agen, Pierre Delafet’s unbelievable killing spree, resulting in 6 deaths
- The all-consuming passion of the Chaumont sisters in Pessac
- Désirée Chaslot who poisoned people from Château-Gontier to Bordeaux
- In Libourne, Paulette Bonnemaison, who fired at point blank range on a wine merchant from Saint-Émilion
- Pierre Forgeaud who killed in order to shower the bewitching Marguerite Marionneau with gifts but who later had a crisis of conscience and gave it all to the poor
- A Machiavellian couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jantyin Sainte-Foy-la-Grande
- The wealthy Marie Bobin dying in quarantine at Trompeloup
- The formidable Spanish outlaws, Recassens, Benito et Casals who died shouting: “Long live anarchy!”
- Jean Fradon, “the animal” of Saint-Savin who whistled as he was brought to the guillotine
- And to top it all off, an account of a very strange session at the third quarter Court of Assizes.